About Us

B+B Thermo-Technik GmbH

Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 4
78166 Donaueschingen

Tel.: +49 771 83160 
Fax: +49 771 831650
E-Mail: info (at) bb-sensors.com

Managing Directors:
Kim-Chantal Boll, Evamaria Boll-Scholte van Mast

Commercial Register:
Local Court Freiburg, HRB 611159

VAT Identification number:
DE 141909643

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Payment via credit card
The accounting via credit card will be effected by:

1, Place du Marché
L-6755 Grevenmacher
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 144133
E-Mail: info @ hso-services.com

Managing directors:
Dipl. Vw. Mirko Hüllemann
Heiko Strauß
Ramona Spies

The quality of our targets reflects the quality of our future! As a certificated company B+B can grant top quality products.

B+B offers you an innovative and a wide range of products for several applications in the temperature, humidity and pressure measurement.

Payment without any risks. Trusted Shop certificated online shop with buyer protection.

An excellent warehouse system grants a short-time delivery of standard products.